1985 - Present
- Oglesby Mural
- Campbell Drawings
- Loussac Library
- Kukrudu Performance
- Otterness Sculpture
- Spivey Paintings
- Claudio Painting
- Second Chance Mural
- Whitewash Exhibition
- Americas Finest
- SF Film Festival 91
- Torture Circus
- Peace Begins at Home
- Tahoe Arts Project
- Monetarism In Action
- Alexandria Museum of Art
- San Diego Elementary School
- Muratova, "Syndrome Asthenique"
- Oussama "Etoiles du jour"
- Malas, "La Nuit"
- Bouzid "Les Sabots en or"
- Anti-NEA Display Dismantled
- NEA Gay & Lesbian Film Festivals
- Daddy's Roommate and Heather
- The Golem:Jewish Legend
- Bismark, ND School Libraries
- Hans Haacke at the Guggenheim Museum
- SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
- SLAPPs 2(Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
- Saudi Arabian Satellite Dish Ban
- Outland Comic Strip
- Poetic Justice at Cineplex Odeon, LA
- Schindler's List in Phillippines
- Schindler's List in Jordan
- Holt Health, Garretsville, OH
- Panhandling in New York City
- Caterpillar, inc. Chanters
- Roseanne Kiss
- "Porn'Im'Age'Ry" At University of Michigan
- Sculpture Removed at 4-H Art Fair in MN
- Luger de Luxe Photos
- Camiruaga video
- "Trauko" magazine
- Chilean television
- "Son of Sam" Law
- Gay and Lesbian Public Access Show in Denver
- High School Video, "Melancholianne"
- GWAR Show in Georgia
- Erotic Music Law in Washington State
- "Damned In The USA"
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston Health Textbook
- Television Sex and Violence Boycott Day, 1991
- Children's Protection From Violent Programming Act
- Exhibition at Tyneside, England Railway Station
- "Kanal K"
- Campus Newspapers at Penn State
- Zines Banned in Canada
- Lesbian Kiss in High School Play
- International Community Radio,Taiwan Radio Broadcasting
- Communist Review, Criticism of Vietnamese Government
- Film Director Luu Trong Ninh and Vietnam Film Censorship
- Dow Jones, Asia Wall Street Journal, Singapore Government
- Malaysian Government Censors Travel Writers
- Singapore Government Bans Films in Low-income Housing Areas
- Film Director Shuichi Tsuchikawa, Japanese film censorship
- Nano Riantarno's,"Opera Kecoa" banned in Indonesia
- Indonesian tabloid "Monitor" Shut Down by Muslims
- Shanghai Officials Close World Economic Herald
- Thai T.V., Phra Bodhirak, Government Ban on News Coverage
- Indonesian newspaper "Sinar Harapan" Banned by Suharto
- Steve Erlanger, Southeast Asia Correspondent, N.Y. Times
- Van Nghe(Literature and Art), Editor Nguyen Ngoc Removed
- Malaysian Rap Group Banned from Radio and Television
- Serrano's "Pieta II"
- Michael Diana Comix
- Gulf War, Navajo Language Banned From Armed Forces Radio
- Gulf War US Press Censorship
- Native American newspapers-tribal censorship,Tony LoneFight
- "Lady Chatterly's Lover" in Chinese
- People's Cultural Movement Association
- Yonsei University, Student Protests
- Republic of Korea's Criminal Code
- Council for Democratic Press Movement, Mal
- Kwon In Suk, Govt. Guidelines for Press coverage
- "Mainland China 1989", Chang Chao-tang, Hong Kong
- "The Satanic Verses"
- "Aim High and Do Your Best" at Jersey City Museum
- Annie Sprinkle
- "No Trace of The Blonde"
- "Paris is Burning"
- Julia Balk sculpture at University of N.C.
- "Tongues Untied"
- "Seeing Red, White or Blue"
- "Oscar with Chicken"
- "Tunnel of Love"
- Graffiti Project in Huntington Beach, CA
- Grupo de Gago Banner
- African-American Story Telling in La Crosse, IL
- Ila Minson at IL State University
- "Freedom Series" in Elgin, Illinois
- Stella's "The Town-Ho's Story"
- Powers of Desire
- Bluefields - "La Prensa"
- Ariel Hidalgo - writer
- Angel Delgado - Performance
- Cruz Varela - Poet
- Press Freedom and Individual Rights in the UK
- Manuel Manriquez - Music
- Micro-Watt Radio
- Taiwanese Government Lifts Ban on Oppositional Press
- Anti-Defamation Law
- Native American Press
- Langer Paintings/Drawings
- Soviet Spring
- "La Nation," Mohammed Boudiaf, Procurer de la Republique
- "Tell"- Nigerian Magazine
- "L'Observateur",Women in Politics
- Saburo Ienega's The New History of Japan
- Dread Scott's Proper Flag
- David Nelson's "Mirth & Girth"
- Beaubien Photo Objects
- Baseball Exhibit, "Diamonds Are For Ever"
- Robert Mapplethorpe Traveling Exhibition
- NEA Four
- Kiss and Tell Performance in Banff
- "Le Messager's" Pius Njawe
- Homolka-Teale Trial Publicity
- "Joy of Gay Sex" in Canada
- Howard Stern, Radio Personality
- Motion Picture Act in British Columbia
- Pon Juan-Francisco - exhibition
- Homage to Hans Haacke - Exhibition
- Arte Cubano Actual - Exhibition
- Darwin's theory of evolution in Sudan
- Dr. Ushari Mahmoud's "Al Daein Massacre-Slavery Sudan"
- Jack Mapanje's "Of Chameleons and Gods"
- Chirunga Newsletter, University of Malawi
- Malawi Censorship Board bans 840 books and 100 periodicals
- Persecution of Black Mauritanians
- Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, Hight Tide Humanist Movement
- Nguyen Quang Phuc Paintings
- Artemisia Gallery vs. Chicago Transit Authority
- Chicago Flag Exhibition
- "Poison"
- David Wojnarowicz
- Jock Sturges
- Pablo Molinet - Poet
- Images of "David" banned in OR schools
- "Windows on AIDS 1993"
- Pomo Afro Homos in Anchorage
- Schwenkmeyer's Simpsons Paintings
- Muntadas's TVE:Primer
- Silverberg's Where the sidewalk ends
- The Coalition for Positive Sexuality
- American Online posts
- Daniel Carson Goodman, " Hagar Revelly"
- French satirist Charlie Hebdo
- 2 Live Crew, Florida rap group
- Anthony Griffin and the Ku Klux Klan
- Anti-Gulf War Signage
- Sinead O'Connor on SNL
- Frank Zappa, American composer and musician
- Rev. Fred Phelps, anti-homosexual activist
- "NYPD Blue," ABC-TV drama
- Chanel Fashions with Koran Phrases
- 7th Grader's School Gun Project
- Television Violence
- "Erotica S.F." Cable TV Program
- Sanctus, The Profaned Body
- Madonna's "Sex" Book
- The Neo-Futurists' Play
- Schneider, Charles Videos
- "Sisiphos" Student Paper
- Granstaff, Michelle School Paper
- Hussain, Mateen Haircut
- Constantinides, Kathy Installations
- Claudio, Dayton Paintings
- Agencia de Viaje Time Caspule
State Capitol, Olympia, WA
A Current (1995) Banning Action in Upstate NY
Japan Seems to Have Won WWII (part I)
Women's Issues Club, Scarsdale H.S., NY
Posters Prohibited in NYC
CMU Bans Sex from the Internet
Pure Pleasure Adult Bookstore
GWAR Lead Singer Busted in SC on Obscenity
Evers, Hans "Identidem"
Pasolini's "Salo"
Bondage, Domination, Submission Web Page
Prayer at Oklahoma H.S. Football Games
The Plagarist Suffers
Internet Service Provider Censorship
"Natural Born Killers" Banned in Guernsey
Australian Censorship