7th Grader's School Gun Project

Description of the Art Work

For his 7th grade science project, 12-year-old Russell Grisbeck, a member of the National Rifle Association, packed different types of gunpowder in shell casings and fired bullets from a hunting rifle mounted on a bench to learn which mixture gives a bullet the greatest velocity and accuracy.

Description of incident

Grisbeck received an A-plus from his teacher, who nominated the project for the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair (April 13-17, 1994). However, a committee appointed to review project submissions rejected Grisbeck's ammo experiment. "The No. 1 concern for the committee was the issue that other students viewing this project at the science fair might go home and actually try it out," said Tony Spears, director of curriculum and staff development for the San Diego County Office of Education. Russell said he had not planned to bring his gun to the fair; only his 12-page report, complete with charts and graphs, and a storyboard explanation.

Results of incident

Grisbeck's father, Irv Grisbeck, said: "This has been a learning experience for Russ . . . learning that it's a little bit of hard work preserving your rights and your freedoms." As far as we know, the committee's decision was final and Russell was not permitted to exhibit his display.

Source: Chicago Tribune, April 1, 1994

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Record no 398