U.S.A. Entries

- Americas Finest
- Anti-NEA Display Dismantled
- Oglesby Mural
- Gordon Photos
- Campbell Drawings
- Loussac Library
- Kukrudu Performance
- Otterness Sculpture
- Spivey Paintings
- Claudio Painting
- Second Chance Mural
- Whitewash Exhibition
- SF Film Festival 91
- Peace Begins at Home
- Torture Circus
- Tahoe Arts Project
- Monetarism in Action
- Alexandria Museum of Art
- San Diego Elementary School
- NEA Gay & Lesbian Film Festivals
- Daddy's Roommate and Heather
- The Golem:Jewish Legend
- Bismarck, ND School Libraries
- August Henkel Murals
- Eugene O'Neil's play "Strange"
- Isadora Duncan, Dance
- George Carlin on Pacifica Radio
- Diego Rivera murals at Rockafeller
- Louis Malle, "Les Amants"
- Henry Miller's "Tropic of Cancer"
- Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan
- James Joyce, "Ulysses"
- Chaplinsky vs. New Hampshire
- Rossellini's "The Miracle"
- Red Raids, Communist Fears
- Comstock law Book Ban
- Puritan Theocracy in Colonial America
- Samual Goldwyn's film "Dead End"
- J. Stuart Blackton's The Battle Cry of Peace, W.W.I
- Dr. Carl Muck conductor, Boston Symphony Orchestra
- SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
- SLAPPs 2(Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
- John Peter Zenger, publisher
- Sedition Act, Ratification of the First Amendment
- Lady Chatterly's Lover, D.H. Lawrence
- Sullivan vs. New York Times Co.
- Mother Earth, anarchist publiciation
- Hans Haacke at the Guggenheim Museum
- Theodore Dreiser's The Genius
- D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation & NAACP
- The Sex Side of Life
- Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five
- One Magazine & U.S. Post Office
- Outland Comic Strip
- Poetic Justice at Cineplex Odeon, LA
- Holt Health, Garretsville, OH
- Panhandling in New York City
- Caterpillar, inc. Chanters
- Roseanne Kiss
- "Porn'Im'Age'Ry" At University of Michigan
- Sculpture Removed at 4-H Art Fair in MN
- "Son of Sam" Law
- "The Clouds", "The Birds", "Lysistrata"
- "Pantagruel", "Gargentua"
- The Well of Loneliness
- The Captive, The Virgin Man, and Sex in 20's NYC
- Vittorio De Sica's "The Bicycle Thief"
- Gay and Lesbian Public Access Show in Denver
- High School Video, "Melancholianne"
- GWAR Show in Georgia
- Erotic Music Law in Washington State
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston Health Textbook
- "Damned In The USA"
- Television Sex and Violence Boycott Day, 1991
- Children's Protection From Violent Programming Act
- Campus Newspapers at Penn State
- Lesbian Kiss in High School Play
- Mae West, "Klondike Annie"
- Serrano's "Pieta II"
- Michael Diana Comix
- Gulf War, Navajo Language Banned From Armed Forces Radio
- "Blonde Venus" by Joseph von Sternberg
- Gulf War US Press Censorship
- Native American newspapers-tribal censorship,Tony LoneFight
- Constitutional Problems Under Abraham Lincoln, Civil War
- William Shakespeare is Bowdlerized
- "The Thousand and One Nights"
- John Cleland; "Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure... "
- Hawthorne "The Scarlet Letter, a Romance"
- "Aim High and Do Your Best" at Jersey City Museum
- Annie Sprinkle
- "No Trace of The Blonde"
- "Paris is Burning"
- Julia Balk sculpture at University of N.C.
- "Tongues Untied"
- "Seeing Red, White or Blue"
- "Oscar with Chicken"
- Graffiti Project in Huntington Beach, CA
- Grupo de Gago Banner
- African-American Story Telling in La Crosse, IL
- Ila Minson at IL State University
- "Freedom Series" in Elgin, Illinois
- Stella's "The Town-Ho's Story"
- Powers of Desire
- Micro-Watt Radio
- Native American Press
- "La Nation," Mohammed Boudiaf, Procurer de la Republique
- Dread Scott's Proper Flag
- David Nelson's "Mirth & Girth"
- Beaubien Photo Objects
- Baseball Exhibit, "Diamonds Are For Ever"
- Robert Mapplethorpe Traveling Exhibition
- NEA Four
- Howard Stern, Radio Personality
- Artemisia Gallery vs. Chicago Transit Authority
- Chicago Flag Exhibition
- "A Kiss Doesn't Kill"
- Sex Show-Chicago
- "Poison"
- David Wojnarowicz
- Jock Sturges
- Images of "David" banned in OR schools
- "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn"
- "Windows on AIDS 1993"
- Pomo Afro Homos in Anchorage
- Schwenkmeyer's Simpsons Paintings
- Thomas Jefferson's Writings
- Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass"
- Flaubert; "Madame Bovary" and other works
- Tolstoy; "The Kreutzer Sonata"
- Emile Zola; "Nana", "La Terre", "J'accuse"
- Trotsky's "Report of the Siberian Delegation"
- "The Last Temptation of Christ"
- Aldous Huxley's Novels
- Hemingway's Novels
- Silverberg's Where the sidewalk ends
- The Coalition for Positive Sexuality
- American Online posts
- Daniel Carson Goodman, " Hagar Revelly"
- 2 Live Crew, Florida rap group
- Anthony Griffin and the Ku Klux Klan
- Anti-Gulf War Signage
- Sinead O'Connor on SNL
- Frank Zappa, American composer and musician
- Rev. Fred Phelps, anti-homosexual activist
- "NYPD Blue," ABC-TV drama
- 7th Grader's School Gun Project
- Television Violence
- "Erotica S.F." Cable TV Program
- Wenger Photos at John Hancock Building
- "Mickey Mouse" Comic Strip
- John Steinbeck's Novels
- The Pentagon Papers
- Madonna's "Sex" Book
- The Neo-Futurists' Play
- Schneider, Charles Videos
- Granstaff, Michelle School Paper
- Hussain, Mateen Haircut
- Constantinides, Kathy Installations
- Claudio, Dayton Paintings
- State Capitol, Olympia, WA
- Carroll, Mary Cate Paintings
- A Current (1995) Banning Action in Upstate NY
- Japan Seems to Have Won WWII (part I)
- Women's Issues Club, Scarsdale H.S., NY
- Posters Prohibited in NYC
- CMU Bans Sex from the Internet
- Pure Pleasure Adult Bookstore
- GWAR Lead Singer Busted in SC on Obscenity
- Evers, Hans "Identidem"
- Pasolini's "Salo"
- Bondage, Domination, Submission Web Page
- Prayer at Oklahoma H.S. Football Games