Dr. Ushari Mahmoud's "Al Daein Massacre-Slavery Sudan"

Description of the Art Work

" ...In 1987, Dr. Ushari Mahmoud co-authored an independent investigation into a massacre in the Sudanese town of ed Dai'en and the revival of practices of slavery in the region. He concluded that the government was actively encouraging the elements who were responsible for both the massacre and the resurgence of slavery... "

Description of incident

Dr. Ushari was detained shortly after the coup (June 30, 1989). In a letter to President Jimmy Carter, written from Shalla Prison in Daufur dated April 5, 1990, he wrote:

'I have been recently transferred to this prison after nine months of detention at Kobar prison in Khartoum. While I was detained at Kobar, specifically on March 18, I was visited by ex-Minister of Finance, Dr. Sayed Ali Zaki. He came to me with a specific message from the military authorities. The gist of the message was that I would be released if i retract in writing and deny the truth of what I had written about slavery in "Al Daein Massacre-Slavery in the Sudan." Otherwise, I would continue to be detained "indefinitely" -to use Dr. Zaki's own words. That visit ended with great disappointment for Dr. Zaki and with a deeper understanding of the true nature of the regime for me. Ten days later I was transferred to this prison.'

Results of incident

No further information is available concerning Dr. Ushari's imprisonment.

Source: Human Rights Watch/Africa Watch, 'Sudan Suppression of Information', 
8/30/90 Vol. 2, Iss. 28 Pg.25

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