
- Autant-Lara, "Le Diable au corps"
- Baudelaire, "Les Fleurs du Mal"
- Carpita, "Le Rendez-vous des quais
- Hugo, "Le Roi s'amuse
- Hugo, "Marion Delorme"
- Ibsen, "The Ghosts"
- Peter Abelard, Religious Prohibition
- Pietro Aretino's book Sonnetti Lussuriosi
- "The Odyssey"
- Socrates
- "The Clouds", "The Birds", "Lysistrata"
- "Ars Amatoria" (The Art of Love), "Elegies"
- "Satyricon"
- "Thaleia"
- "The Bible"
- "The Talmud"
- "La Divina Commedia"," De Monarchia"
- "The Koran"
- "Pantagruel", "Gargentua"
- Nuremberg Chronicle
- Savonarola's Writings
- Machiavelli's, "Discorsi", "Il Principe"
- Licensing to print books in Europe
- Martin Luther, "Works", "Address to the German Nobility"
- "Civil and Canonical Law"
- Thomas Paine, Religious Prohibition
- "Damned In The USA"
- Exhibition at Tyneside, England Railway Station
- Abelard, Pierre "Introductio ad Theologiam" & other works
- Michel de Montaigne, "Les Essaies"
- Reginald Scott; "A Discovery of Witchcraft"
- John Stubbs; "The Discovery of a Gaping Gulf... "
- Robert Parsons; "A Conference..."
- Index Librorum Prohibitorum
- Galilei Galileo, "Dialogo sopra i due Massimi Sistemi... "
- William Shakespeare is Bowdlerized
- Rene Descartes; "Les Meditations Methaphysiques"
- John Milton; Writings of
- Moliere; "Le Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur"
- Blaise Pascal; "Lettres a un Provincial", "Pensées"
- Baron Charles Louis Montesquieu; Works of
- John Cleland; "Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure... "
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau; works of
- Diderot; "L'Encyclopedie"
- Beaumarchais, "Le Barbier de Seville", "Memoires", "Le Mariage de Figaro"
- The Lord Chamberlain, "The Licensing Act"
- Sade, "Justine or the Misfortunes of Virtue", "Juliette"
- Goethe, "The Sorrows of Wertherr," "Faust"
- Balzac, Novels : "La Comedie Humaine," etc.
- Press Freedom and Individual Rights in the UK
- Verdi Opera
- Nevinson Painting
- Lorca Works
- Miguel de Molinos - Author
- Jose Antonio Claros - Literature
- Garcia Lorca - Literature
- "L'Humanite" and "Liberation" During Algerian War
- "Verite-Liberte"
- "Temoignages et Documents"
- French Banned Books List of 1961
- Fundacion Bernat Metge - Language organization
- El Bachiller Antonio de Medrano
- Elio Antonio de Nebrija - Author
- Luis Garcia Berlanga - Film
- Luis Bunuel - Films
- Jose Antonio Nieves Conde - Films
- Veldhoen Prints
- Multatuli Books
- J. F. Helmers' Poems
- "Propria Cures" Newspaper
- Honore Daumier, "La Caricature"
- Percy shelley's Works
- 19th Century English Circulating Libraries
- Heinrich Heine's Writings
- Victor Hugo's Plays
- Karl Marx's Writings
- Henry Vizetelly's Writing's
- Sir Richard Francis Burton's Writings
- Flaubert; "Madame Bovary" and other works
- Tolstoy; "The Kreutzer Sonata"
- Emile Zola; "Nana", "La Terre", "J'accuse"
- Trotsky's "Report of the Siberian Delegation"
- Aldous Huxley's Novels
- Hemingway's Novels
- Muntadas's TVE:Primer
- French satirist Charlie Hebdo
- Chanel Fashions with Koran Phrases
- Nabokov 's "Lolita"
- "Mickey Mouse" Comic Strip
- John Steinbeck's Novels
- Kauffmann's "The Philanderer"
- Sanctus, The Profaned Body
- "Sisiphos" Student Paper
- Boixados, Maria Dolores Writings
- Agencia de Viaje Time Caspule
Pasolini, Pierpaolo "Rogopag"
The Plagarist Suffers
Internet Service Provider Censorship
"Natural Born Killers" Banned in Guernsey
Naked Girl Falling Down the Stairs

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