Heinrich Heine's Writings

Description of the Art Work

"Reisebilder", 1826-1831:

"Die Lorelei", 1827:

"De la France", 1835:

"De l'Allemagne", 1836:

"Neue Gedichte", 1844:

Description of incident

1833 Germany: The Federal Diet issued a decree banning all works by members of a radical group called "Young Germany". 1833 Germany: Anticipating such suppression, and attracted by the revolution of 1830, Heine had taken up residence in Paris in 1831, where he wrote freely and received an annual stipend from a fund for political refugees. A Jew, he embraced Christianity in 1825.

Results of incident

1836 Italy-Rome: "De la France", "Reiseblider", "De l'Allemagne", and in 1844 "Neue Gedichte" were placed on the Index, where they remained in 1948.

1933 Germany: Works burned in the Nazi bonfires.

1939 "Die Lorelei" listed as the work of Anonymous instead of Heine, for although his works were banned, the poem was too well loved to be suppressed.

1954 German Democratic Republic-East Berlin: Works banned by the Soviet occupation authorities. Later republished.

Source: Banned Books 387 B.C. to 1978 A.D., by Anne Lyon Haight, and Chandler B. 

Grannis, R.R. Bowker Co, 1978.

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Record no 252