Personal Opinion
List of entries:
- Caterpillar, inc. Chanters
- Red Raids, Communist Fears
- Puritan Theocracy in Colonial America
- SLAPPs 1 (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
- SLAPPs 2 (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
- Sedition Act, Ratification of the First Amendment
- Socrates
- Savonarola's Writings
- Martin Luther, "Works", "Address to the German Nobility"
- Communist Review, Criticism of Vietnamese Government
- Constitutional Problems Under Abraham Lincoln, Civil War
- Yonsei University, Student Protests
- Republic of Korea's Criminal Code
- Michel de Montaigne, "Les Essaies"
- Reginald Scott; "A Discovery of Witchcraft"
- John Stubbs; "The Discovery of a Gaping Gulf... "
- Galilei Galileo, "Dialogo sopra i due Massimi Sistemi... "
- Rene Descartes; "Les Meditations Methaphysiques"
- Ariel Hidalgo - writer
- Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, Hight Tide Humanist Movement
- Jorge Pena Hench- Music