
- Schindler's List in Phillippines
- International Community Radio,Taiwan Radio Broadcasting
- Malaysian Government Censors Travel Writers
- Communist Review, Criticism of Vietnamese Government
- Singapore Government Bans Films in Low-income Housing Areas
- Film Director Shuichi Tsuchikawa, Japanese film censorship
- Indonesian tabloid "Monitor" Shut Down by Muslims
- Dow Jones, Asia Wall Street Journal, Singapore Government
- Nano Riantarno's,"Opera Kecoa" banned in Indonesia
- Shanghai Officials Close World Economic Herald
- Film Director Luu Trong Ninh and Vietnam Film Censorship
- Thai T.V., Phra Bodhirak, Government Ban on News Coverage
- Indonesian newspaper "Sinar Harapan" Banned by Suharto
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer's This Earth of Mankind Banned
- Steve Erlanger, Southeast Asia Correspondent, N.Y. Times
- "Petition of Fifty", Panscasila, President Suharto
- Indonesian Students Protest Corruption in Suharto Govt.
- Malaysian Rap Group Banned from Radio and Television
- Van Nghe(Literature and Art), Editor Nguyen Ngoc Removed
- "Lady Chatterly's Lover" in Chinese
- People's Cultural Movement Association
- Yonsei University, Student Protests
- Republic of Korea's Criminal Code
- Council for Democratic Press Movement, Mal
- Kwon In Suk, Govt. Guidelines for Press coverage
- "Mainland China 1989", Chang Chao-tang, Hong Kong
- "The Satanic Verses"
- Taiwanese Government Lifts Ban on Oppositional Press
- Anti-Defamation Law
- Saburo Ienega's The New History of Japan
- Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, Hight Tide Humanist Movement
- Nguyen Quang Phuc Paintings