Entries for the period 1500 -1799
- Puritan Theocracy in Colonial America
- John Peter Zenger, publisher
- Sedition Act, Ratification of the First Amendment
- Pietro Aretino's book Sonnetti Lussuriosi
- "Ars Amatoria" (The Art of Love), "Elegies"
- "The Bible"
- "La Divina Commedia", " De Monarchia"
- Licensing to print books in Europe
- "Pantagruel", "Gargentua"
- Machiavelli's, "Discorsi", "Il Principe"
- Martin Luther, "Works", "Address to the German Nobility"
- "Civil and Canonical Law"
- Thomas Paine, Religious Prohibition
- Michel de Montaigne, "Les Essaies"
- Reginald Scott; "A Discovery of Witchcraft"
- John Stubbs; "The Discovery of a Gaping Gulf... "
- Robert Parsons; "A Conference..."
- Index Librorum Prohibitorum
- Galilei Galileo, "Dialogo sopra i due Massimi Sistemi... "
- William Shakespeare is Bowdlerized
- Rene Descartes; "Les Meditations Methaphysiques"
- Moliere; "Le Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur"
- Blaise Pascal; "Lettres a un Provincial", "Pensées"
- Baron Charles Louis Montesquieu; Works of
- John Cleland; "Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure... "
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau; works of
- Diderot; "L'Encyclopedie"
- Kant; "Critique of Pure Reason" and other works
- Beaumarchais, "Le Barbier de Seville", "Memoires", "Le Mariage de Figaro"
- The Lord Chamberlain, "The Licensing Act"
- Sade, "Justine or the Misfortunes of Virtue", "Juliette"
- Goethe, "The Sorrows of Wertherr," "Faust"
- Miguel de Molinos - Author