403 The Doors on Ed Sullivan 1951 - 1975 USA Behavior Sexuality Television Music The Doors Ed Sullivan ? New York City The song in question was their then-current hit "Light My Fire", and the line in question was "girl, we couldn't get much higher." Much like the Rolling Stones case you cite, the Doors were asked to "tame" the words to a song they were to perform on the Ed Sullivan Show (date unknown, see book citation for details). A relative of Ed's, who worked on the show, offered a "tame" substitution (again, see book referenced below for relative's name and actual line he wanted used). This may not be an actual censorship case because, although they agreed to change it, lead singer Jim Morrison went ahead and sang the line anyway, causing aforementioned relative of Ed to become irate and blacklist the band from the show. The movie "the Doors" handled this fairly accurately, although Jim did not make a big deal about the line, as in the movie. "No One Here Gets Out Alive", J. Morrison Biography by Hopkins, Jerry, LOC Call # ML420.M62 H7; also the movie "the Doors"