About this Mirror

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The original credits for FileRoom read
The File Room is an artist's project initiated by Muntadas, produced by Randolph Street Gallery in collaboration with the School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Chicago and the Department of Cultural Affairs - City of Chicago.

The File Room is made possible through the financial support of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation.

The FileRoom project, created in 1994, is an archive of censorship throughout the years and around the world. It was originally hosted at this URL: fileroom.aaup.uiuc.edu.

Sadly, the FileRoom web site disappeared some years ago, and I was unable to reach any of the original authors or maintainers. The host system does not answer internet pings. The email addresses given on the web pages no longer answer.

I concluded that the FileRoom was a student project for which the students have long since graduated, or perhaps an art project for which the funds dried out, or some combination of the above.

When I saw that FileRoom had gone off line, I frantically did a web search for it. I found a mirror at the address www.cd.sc.ehu.es. Worried that this site, too, might go away, I quickly made a complete copy.

More recently, I discovered that the File Room returned to the netwaves, as it were, in mid-1999. The new URL is


Not willing to let such a well-researched and useful resource disappear again, I registered the file-room.org domain name and installed my mirror here.

Edward Falk
August, 2000.

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Page maintained by falk@file-room.org